Emergent bilingual (EB) students, formerly known as English Language Learners (ELLs), face a unique set of challenges in the classroom. With language barriers hindering their ability to communicate and learn, it can be difficult for EB students to keep up with their peers. However, technology has the potential to bridge this gap and create a more inclusive learning environment. In this article, we’ll explore how technology can be used to enhance learning for EB students in the classroom.

  1. Interactive Whiteboards

Interactive whiteboards have become increasingly popular in classrooms around the world. These digital boards allow teachers to display and annotate lesson materials, and students can interact with the board using a stylus or touch screen. For EB students, interactive whiteboards can be particularly beneficial. Teachers can display visual aids, such as diagrams or videos, to help illustrate complex concepts. Additionally, teachers can use the board to show and practice new vocabulary words, which can be particularly useful for EB students.

  1. Educational Apps

Mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones have become ubiquitous in modern classrooms. Many educational apps have been developed specifically for ELL students. These apps provide interactive games, quizzes, and activities to help students practice their English skills. For example, Duolingo is a popular language-learning app that uses gamification to make language learning more engaging and accessible for students.

  1. Language Translation Software

Language translation software, such as Google Translate, can be a lifesaver for EB students who are struggling to understand a lesson. While it’s important for students to learn English, it’s also important for them to be able to understand the material they’re being taught. Teachers can use translation software to quickly translate key phrases or concepts for students who are struggling to keep up.

  1. Audio and Video Recordings

Audio and video recordings can be used to create a more immersive learning experience for EB students. For example, teachers can record themselves reading a text aloud, allowing students to listen and follow along with the written words. Similarly, teachers can use video recordings to provide visual aids, such as animations or real-life examples, to help illustrate complex concepts.

  1. Collaborative Online Tools

Collaborative online tools, such as Google Docs and Padlet, can be used to create a more inclusive learning environment for EB students. These tools allow students to work together on group projects and share their work with their peers. Additionally, teachers can use these tools to provide feedback and guidance to individual students who may be struggling with a particular assignment.

  1. Reading Coach and Immersive Reader

These two Microsoft tools are powerful tools that can be used to create a comprehensive language program.

The Immersive Reader can help increase students’ reading speed, teach parts of speech, and includes a visual dictionary. This can help teachers who have created lessons intended for English-only students by allowing additional resources for EB students such as text-to-speech, translation, and picture dictionaries without the teacher having to re-create the assignment.

Microsoft’s new Reading Coach allows students to record themselves reading a passage that a teacher has assigned and then uses AI to check the student’s words per minute, words the students have a hard time pronouncing, and other reading errors. The student can then practice those words. Teachers can also track students reading progress through time and can create lessons based on missed words.

Technology has the potential to revolutionize the way we teach and learn in the classroom. For students learning a new language, technology can be particularly beneficial, providing a range of tools and resources to help them overcome language barriers and succeed academically. By incorporating technology into the classroom, teachers can create a more inclusive and engaging learning environment for all students.

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